EDU-DEX technical manual

Dit is EDU-DEX technical manual 2.0

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Met de tabs bovenaan de pagina kunt u meer informatie krijgen:

  • changelog. Recente wijzigingen aan de standaard
  • how-to. Tip voor het ontwikkelen van een eigen implementatie
  • STAP. Tips voor aansluiting vinden op RIO en het STAP-subsidie
  • dos and donts. snelle tips

Aan de linkerzijde ziet u EDU-DEX in een boomstructuur.
klik in de linker-kolom op een element voor meer informatie

Legenda verplicht aangeraden optioneel
< {{ selectedElement.tag }} > {{ }}
mogelijke waardes
xxxx xxxx {{item.tab_header}}

example {{example.num}} of {{tab.code_examples.length}} : {{example.header}}

  • DO refer to this manual when in doubt about the usage or meaning of an element or attribute;
  • DO download the most recent XSD in case the manual is unclear about an element or attribute;
  • DO use the Feedback button when such unclarity occurs;
  • DO keep identifiers (e.g. <programRun><id>) unique at the orgUnit level, not just at the program level;
  • DO validate newly created code using the EDU-DEX validator at
  • DO provide institute information (see this overview) by inserting a <instituteDataResource> element in your directory feed.

  • DON'T use a DOCTYPE declaration: a mixture of DTD and XSD leads to ambiguity;
  • DON'T use special characters in any of your id's; Refrain to a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-" and "_";
  • DON'T add attributes to elements that are not defined in the XSD; they might be syntactically legal (e.g. xsi based attributes) but could lead to conflicts with the XSD, and hence will not be accepted by the EDU-DEX validator. Specifically the use of xsi:type will be rejected as of 1st October 2020.
  • DON'T re-use identifiers (e.g. <programRun><id>); an id that has been published at a given time should only appear in later uploads when it references exactly the same object; additionally, keep identifiers unique at the orgUnit level as mentioned above.
  • DON'T change existing identifiers (e.g. <programRun><id>); such an action involves the deletion of an existing id, and the creation of a new one. Very often the result at the receiving end (an LMS or an intermediate partner) is unpredictable and difficult to correct.
  • DON'T send a url of your institute information to EDU-DEX in the hope it will be published by magic; instead, use a <instituteDataResource> element as described above.

{{download.title}} download